Sunday, May 7, 2017

ITFS 2017

Just finished off a week at the ITFS 2017 (International Trickfilm Festival) in Stuttgart. For those of you who's not familiar with it, it's one of the most well known animated film festivals in Europe, after Annecy. I've been going there for the past 4 years it's become sort of a tradition for me, as it's basically 6 days of screening (the newest) short and "long"  animated films, both student and professional. They also show the newest Animovies,: Feature films.

Since festivals are sometimes a hit & amp;miss with their programs, I would say the overall quality of the festival this year was great, I would even go as far as saying it was the BEST! The three main programs, "International Competition, "Young Animation" and "Tricks for Kids" were AWESOME, specially for the kiddies. The one program I was a bit disappointed with, was the "Panorama" program. It's where they show the darker/serious Int. short films.

Other highlights: Meeting friends and old acquaintances from the past. Talking to Bill Plympton, and buying a signed print from his newest film, "Revengeance"! Woop woop!!

ITFS always manages to inspire me, and although it's back to the grind again, I do so with new energy and vigor! 

Until ITFS 2018!!

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